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Doctrines of Demons: A Guide


Many people come up with their own ideologies pertaining different topics. This is due to differing opinions among people and such is clearly seen in coming up with doctrines. The doctrines that have been recorded are those of God, man and that of demons. Some people believe in the existence of demons while others don't. According to the bible and other spiritual books, there are demons in existence and they have various abilities. According to the scriptures, there are some references whereby demons are given the ability to perform miracles.


Doctrines according to Ed Donnally are usually based on what human beings interpret what is seen or written in the bible. They are usually based on how they perceive the scriptures and what will come to be. This occurs especially for those people who do not believe in existence of God. Their perception is viewed to be contrary to what is in the scriptures .Doing so leads to establishment of doctrines based on these ideologies and many copies of which are distributed all over the world. This way, they are able to influence other people to believing what they say is true.


Find out about Doctrines of Demons. There are many doctrines made by man concerning demons which are different from each other. There is only one avenue to pursue then - you have to find a deliverance ministry. Most of these ideologies are normally misguided and wrong especially when you compare these teachings to what the Bible says. Some people who believe in the existence of demons to this date end up worshiping them. They start up cults and other groupings and influence other people to join their false religions.


Despite the declaration that Jesus is Lord in the scriptures, people still insist on making these doctrines. These are those selected few who will face the consequences according to the scriptures. This is because they lessen God's position and put Him subordinate to other beings. These are demonic preaching, and many churches are guilty of doing so as they profess Satan to be their savior.


There are other practices which are condemned by these followers which are correct according to the bible. Activities such as baptism are seen as wrong thus are forbidden in these cults. All teachings of man which are added to scriptures are doctrines of demons as they are all false and misleading. It is even quoted in the bible that those who see themselves mightier by adding their own things are considered as evil. This is because they are under the influence of demons as they as well are well conversant with the scriptures. An article from will give you some of the best info as well.

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